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AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is the first story in the 3-part Avatar 2: Jake's Revenge: Operation Pandora arc, which is part of the Avatar 2: Jakes Revenge storyline. Each story is its own unique story, however for full enjoyment readers may wish to start at the beginning with Avatar 2: Jake's Revenge



I was sat in the RDA base, crying over the lost memory of the general, who had been my father figure. He had been killed in the RDA attack against the secret Avatar base in Canada, but just before he died he named me, Robbie Bones, as the new general to lead the strike against Pandora, which we in the RDA, the secret organisation dedicated to combatting the Avatars, called Operation Pandora. Suddenly the President came into my room.

"Hello Robbie. Robbie Bones. Or should I say ... General Bones now? We have confirmed you will lead the strike against the Big Tree on Planet Pandora to strike and defeat Fuhrer Jake Sully and his Pandoreich of the Na'vi Nazis. Those are racist motherfuckers, and they especially hate me as I am African American."

(This story takes place during Obama's Presidency.)

"I agree Mr President. I won't let you down. Tomorrow, we set flight to Pandora. Jake Sully will not know what has hit him. The RDA will liberate Pandora for once and for all."

"Good, we all knew we could count on you."

The next day we went to the rocket site. This was where the rockets would take us up to space to join the space fleet striking and attacking against Pandora. We went in the rockets and launched into space.

"Wow its so beautiful." I said looking at earth out of the window of the spaceship. "How can any evil racist hate this planet of ours? Jake Sully wishes to holocaust the humans on this planet, and oppress his own poor Avatar people on the Planet Pandora. But I won't let him. We will strike and attack."

"I agree." Said Jimmy Desert, my lieutenant, who was preparing to help me for the attack.

"Well it's will be a long journey, we should now get into the Statis Chambers from Avatar 1."

We went to the Stasis Chamber chamber and we all climbed in the tubes. Suddenly I was frozen. Just outside, the lights went off. I gasped though as I saw a shape running through the ship. It was a dark, blue outline, the shape of an avatar! One must've stowed away on our ship, trying to stop our mission before it began. But I could do nothing! I was immobilised by the chemical forces of the Stasis Chamber. The avatar walked over to my tube, and I could only watch.

"Well well well, if it isn't little bitch Robbie Bones. The bitch who took down our plans to strike at fucking earth and now who is leading the strike against Pandora. It will give me great pleasure to get my revenge on this frozen cocksucker. Great pleasure indeed."

I had to do something or in a second the avatar would kill me. But I was immobilised. Using all my mental power, I focussed on my arm.

"Freeze this bitch." I yelled, and suddenly I could move my arm. It smashed out through the icy surface of the body, and grabbed the Avatar by the throat. With my other hand I punched, and she flew away into the middle of the room, as it was zero-gravity (Space Gravity).

"NOOO You fucking bitch cunt. You dare to fucking attack me, queen of the avatar fuckers! We will murder every fucking human bastard."

"No you fucking won't." I jumped out of the pod and flew after her but she flew away. She flew to the control room. She went to the control pannel. In the middle was a big red button that said Self-Destruct. She slammed it down. Suddenly sirens went down and a countdown started.

"You fucking bitch!" I screamed. "You're going to fucking destroy the ship and motherfucking strand us in space"

"Your fucking invasion fleet will never reach Pandora now bitch."

I only had a few seconds to stop the countdown, but what could I do! She stood angrily in the middle of the control room, ready to fight, and I was unarmed. Suddenly, I noticed we were passing the moon, whos extremely reflecting surface was shining brightly. I had an idea. I jumped to the controls for the laser weapons on the front of the ship and pulled the trigger, aiming at the moon. The beam shot out with a hiss, and flew down to the moon, where it reflected back up - straight through the control centre windows! It hit the avatar as she screamed in shock, and then suddenly went red with heat and with a sickening pop, she exploded like a balloon full of blue blood being popped everywhere. I quickly ran to the self-destruct pannel, and stopped the countdown. I had just one second to go. The ship had been saved.

I crawled back into my statis pod. When I woke up, six days later, everyone else was getting up as well, and there were alarms blaring. John Desert was waiting for me in the control centre.

"What the fucking hell happened here?!" He asked, gasping at the blood.

"I had to deal with a fucking ticket-dodger." I smirked.

"We are here, at Pandora." He said, and pointed to the window. Sure enough, there was Pandora, the evil planet at the heart of Fuhrer Jake Sully's racist reich of hate. That was the dark place we had been commanded to strike.

"Let's get ready. Activate Operation Pandora." I said.

SIGNED: Zane Maverik Creepypasta Productions
